As noted in the main article on the benefits of pineapple, one of the helpful enzymes contained in pineapple is bromelain. Pineapple contains high enough of this enzyme, which is believed to have many benefits / health benefits for the human body. Some uses of the bromelain enzyme, in particular to overcome a number of health problems, as will Fruit Benefits described below.
One of the uses of the enzyme bromelain in pineapple for health is as powerful anti-inflammatory. Consuming pineapple fruit on a regular basis, especially in the form of juice 1 1/2 cups a day is beneficial to relieve joint pain in osteoarthritis. Doctors in Germany have agreed to make bromelain as a treatment of post-injury. This is because the anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling.
Bromelain Enzyme Helpful For Anti-Inflammatory
One of the uses of the enzyme bromelain in pineapple for health is as powerful anti-inflammatory. Consuming pineapple fruit on a regular basis, especially in the form of juice 1 1/2 cups a day is beneficial to relieve joint pain in osteoarthritis. Doctors in Germany have agreed to make bromelain as a treatment of post-injury. This is because the anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling.
Bromelain Good For Digestive System
In addition, the function of this enzyme is also to help soften and break down food proteins in the stomach, this will make it easier for the body to digest and absorb nutrients in food. Consuming a piece of pineapple after meals can help the digestive system of our body as a whole, such as reducing gas production, prevents bloating, nausea, constipation, and various problems of the colon.
Bromelain Enzyme Healing Cough
Among other benefits, the bromelain enzyme in pineapple is also believed very good for cough sufferers. This enzyme can suppress itching in throat which makes coughing, reduce inflammation in the nose, and break up mucus. This will help loosen the throat. The bromelain enzyme has also been shown to be very helpful to cure upper respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and sinusitis.
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