Dragon Fruit. Its unique shape and skin scales shaped with attractive red color makes many people become curious about the taste of this fruit. But besides the shape and color of this fruit, it turns out, the benefits of dragon fruit is also quite remarkable, especially for digestive organs and skin beauty.

The Origin of Dragon Fruit

From its name, a lot of people think if the fruit came from China. Actually, dragon fruit is a fruit that is native to Central and South America. It is the fruit that comes from a cactus plant of the genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus. There are 2 color of dragon fruit, yellow and red (dark red and pink) with fruit flesh color is also divided into two, which is red and white.

benefits of dragon fruit for health and beauty

In 1870 the seeds of these plants were brought to Vietnam by the French people. He himself get dragon fruit plant seeds from a small country in South America (Guyana). Originally dragon fruit plant is only used as an ornamental plant and is widely cultivated by the Chinese in that country. The uniqueness of the shape and color of this fruit makes the Vietnamese and Chinese consider that this fruit can bring blessing. They always put it between 2 pieces of a dragon statue on the altar table. Based on these habits finally this fruit familiarly called by the name of Thang Loy which means 'dragon fruit'.

Although it can grow well in any height, but these plants need plenty of sunlight. Cropping media should also be a little gritty, not too much water, and contain many nutrients. The higher the nutrient content of the soil, the better the plants grow and develop.

dragon fruits benefits for health and beauty

Dragon Fruit Nutrient Content

Based on the results of the research, it turns out the dragon fruit contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the body. Even be said that the benefits of vitamins and minerals in dragon fruit is comparable to 1 apple. Some of the nutrients content in the dragon fruit, include:
  • Unsaturated fatty acids
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Lycopene
  • Beta-carotene
  • Phytoalbumin, etc.

Dragon Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty

Although not too many experiments conducted to determine properties of this fruit, but at least there are 10 benefits can be gained from eating dragon fruit. Based on some research data, dragon fruit is known to have benefits, include:
  • Taking care of skin health and beauty, see more
  • Treat and prevent heart disease
  • Preventing cancer, see more
  • Boost immunity
  • Increase appetite
  • Lowering cholesterol levels in the body
  • Helps eye health
  • Prevent and treat diabetes, see more
  • Strengthen bones and teeth
  • Good for the digestive organs
Hopefully the explanation of the origins, the nutrient content, and properties of dragon fruit above quite helpful. Further for this category, there will be a special article that describes the properties of dragon fruit separately one by one.

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